Reducing risk of depression, Journal BMC Medicine Preventing colon cancer, University of Leicester (UK), 2nd International Scientific Conference on Resveratrol and Health Anti-aging, Harvard Medical School, Cell Metabolismoffer Preventing breast cancer, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (LA), Journal of Women’s Health Preventing dementia, Loyola University Medical Center, The Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Protecting from severe sunburn,…
Year: 2017

Management of authorisations for new vine plantings for the year 2017
The Agricultural Winery Cooperative of Tyrnavos shall inform its members, that the producers concerned may submit an application – formal declaration in electronic form via the website of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food ( by 27 March 2017 with the view to obtaining an authorisation for new plantings of wine grape varieties. Authorisations…

Grape enemies and diseases Theresimina ampelophaga, Sparganothis pilleriana, Ottiorhynchus spp.
These are lepidoptera larvae, as well as adult weevils of otiorhunchus species and other coleoptera, appearing during this period and feeding at night upon the outer edges of leaves, completely damaging them. Their activity can be later extended to juvenile vegetation. During years, when their presence is heavy, the damage they cause on the outer…

Programme “Restructuring and Conversion of Vineyards for the period 2017-2018”
The Agricultural Winery Cooperative of Tyrnavos shall inform its members, that they may submit their applications for the programme “Restructuring and Conversion of Vineyards” from 1 March 2017 to 15 Mai 2017. The programme refers exclusively to vines and provides for aid for the restructuring of the existing vineyards or the establishment of new ones…